Wednesday, January 26, 2011

TALKING ABOUT A REVOLUTION - The True Story of the Egyptian Uprising

From Cairo back to Tunis, from Tunis back to Sidi Bouzid...

 Mohamed Bouazizi,  a Tunisian Martyr:

R.I.P. Mohamed Bouazizi - d.  4/1/2011 

Kasserine, Tunisia 10/1/2011 - Evidence of a Civilian Massacre

The Tunisian Revolution of 14/1/2011 

From Khaled Said to Mohamed Bouazizi, from Sidi Bouzid to Tunis, from Tunis to Egypt ...

19th January 2011 - another Egyptian man sets himself on fire...

Egypt's Day of Anger 25 Jan 2011 


26 Jan 2011 - Deadly Protests Cairo Egypt


 Talking About a Revolution... 


...and lest we forget the lost and the fallen: IRAN 2009/2010


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